Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Thing 23

So, I found out I'm not going to be in to social sites. I did think that some of the sites might be interesting once I am retired and have more time. I especially like the library list and the netlibrary idea. But then I like books. I think Wikis could be useful at work and the online word processing could save a lot of time for us as we move documents around to work on them. del.icio.us could also be useful to us. RSS feeds would be helpful if I spent more time looking for work related sites to pull information from.
I definitely was technically challenged in some areas so it was stimulating to try to figure out new stuff. I always did it at home rather than at work so I would not feel to rushed to get through some things. I did find myself only reviewing quickly things that I thought were not useful to me and spending more time on other areas that I thought I would use. I will still have to go back and review how to use some of those though.
Some of the directions given were not as clear as I needed them to be. Many of us discussed things among ourselves so we could figure them out. For people who are not technically skilled some of the steps were hard to follow.
I think I would take another discovery trip if other things were offered. I would want them to be more closely related to my work. But I have to admit I have a little more understanding of what our students are doing online. It was definitely worth the time spent to learn new things!


Nancy said...

Great Job! I was glad to read in some of your posts that you saw some applications that may be helpful to you and that you saw a benefit from having a better understanding of what the students were doing online. Your new Monitor is on its way!

TeacheratHeart said...

Well, Can you help me SINCE I will never EVER get to retire? :)