Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Thing 23

So, I found out I'm not going to be in to social sites. I did think that some of the sites might be interesting once I am retired and have more time. I especially like the library list and the netlibrary idea. But then I like books. I think Wikis could be useful at work and the online word processing could save a lot of time for us as we move documents around to work on them. del.icio.us could also be useful to us. RSS feeds would be helpful if I spent more time looking for work related sites to pull information from.
I definitely was technically challenged in some areas so it was stimulating to try to figure out new stuff. I always did it at home rather than at work so I would not feel to rushed to get through some things. I did find myself only reviewing quickly things that I thought were not useful to me and spending more time on other areas that I thought I would use. I will still have to go back and review how to use some of those though.
Some of the directions given were not as clear as I needed them to be. Many of us discussed things among ourselves so we could figure them out. For people who are not technically skilled some of the steps were hard to follow.
I think I would take another discovery trip if other things were offered. I would want them to be more closely related to my work. But I have to admit I have a little more understanding of what our students are doing online. It was definitely worth the time spent to learn new things!

Thing 22

I didn't locate titles to download since some of the ones I saw were really old. But the Netlibrary idea is someting I would liek to pursue if I get a current library card. That would be a great way to get books without having to go downtown.

Thing 21

I was able to search the directories and find things I wanted to look at but I was unable to get any of them to play.

Thing 20

Searching YouTube was easy. I was able to put the Crisfield sunset on my blog. Found some video of CHS burned down in 71. Also found the video of CHS lunches. Kids have a lot of technical skill! Would be great to put some video up that we could use instructionally or search for some things that could be used.

Crisfield Sunset

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Thing 19

I looked at some fun sites and I noticed that several of the things we have been learning were listed in the top three for the category. Good list to keep around for some of the things I may need from time to time.

Thing 18

Now this is something we can all use. It will be more convenient to work in one of these formats than to email stuff back and forth or carry a stick around. I created a document easily and posted it to my blog easily. Other formats may be as easy to use: spreadsheets, calendars, etc. We should have a CO project as a test.

ALC Schedules

  • An Intake Meeting is held when a student is placed at ALC.  Attending the meeting are a home school administrator, a home school counselor or LSS, ALC Coordinator and ALC principal.  Prior to this meeting the following should occur:
    • An ALC intake form should be completed by administrator's designee
    • A copy of the student's home school schedule should be reviewed by the counselor
    • A list of ALC courses should be compared to the student's schedule by the counselor
    • Online courses for ALC should be selected by the counselor
    • This list of courses should be provided to the ALC Coordinator and/or listed on the intake form
  • During the intake meeting, the list of courses provided by the counselor should be reviewed and verified by those attending the meeting, including the student.
  • Courses that cannot be provided online should be discussed and it should be determined if they can be done by home school textbook and assignment.
  • Once the list of courses that is going to used is determined, the final list should be provided to the administrator's designee at the home school.  That person should then enter a coorect schedule in Power School.  This could be one of the following
    • Maintain the same schedule as before ALC and send grades
    • Drop current classes and add alternative classes
    • Some combination of both
  • The final schedule must equal full time equivalency.  If the total periods will be lees that the total periods at the home school, full time equivalency must be adjusted.  Contact Allison Romano for procedures.
  • When the student retruns to the home school these procedures must be reversed. 


Sunday, March 9, 2008

Thing 17

I created a wiki but don't know what happened to the new page that I added. I also did not make it public so I am not sure who will see it or if I have to give permission to access it. I did post it on my blog and on the MD sandbox page though. Now I have so many accounts and passwords I need a document just to keep it all straight!

My Wiki

My site I think

Thing 16

Wiki's seem more like something we could use right away. The lesson plan site was pretty cool. We had talked last year about having a web based or server based site for teachers to post differentiated instruction lessons. That way everyone does not have to start from scratch. It might even encourage more teachers to take a risk and try something new when they know it has been used successfully. I also liked the book review site. That was more a personal preference as I scrolled to see what books might be interesting that I haven't read and what people were saying about books I had read. I must be behind in bestsellers because I didn't see too many books I had read.
We as a CO could use this as we work on a project. We would need a private site since anyone can change things. My sister is a librarian at a college and they are using it to plan for their state meeting. Might even be a use for us as departments, such as a wiki for me to use with the counselors. That needs more thought though.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Thing 15

Web 2.0, Library 2.0 and Learning 2.0 are all great wasy to harness the web to work for you. For research people can gather information into one spot and access it more quickly. Librarians can set up different types of access for patrons. Students can access research more easily by topic as opposed to looking up a bunch of books the way we had to. We might find use for some of this tuff but as usual, you have to devote some time to it to make it work for you. I find the easier ones more useful to me.

Thing 14

Once again I am not sure what I wouold do with this site. Guess I see the blogging stuff as something we might use to discuss issues at work without having a meeting. I don't really want to search the web for what everybody is talking about.

Thing 13

Del.icio.us could be a useful tool especially if you are doing research. I set up an account and just organized some of my sites that I visit once in a while to look at motorcycles. I could take more time and set up more for work. Maybe I will do that at work where my other bookmarks are.