Sunday, March 16, 2008

ALC Schedules

  • An Intake Meeting is held when a student is placed at ALC.  Attending the meeting are a home school administrator, a home school counselor or LSS, ALC Coordinator and ALC principal.  Prior to this meeting the following should occur:
    • An ALC intake form should be completed by administrator's designee
    • A copy of the student's home school schedule should be reviewed by the counselor
    • A list of ALC courses should be compared to the student's schedule by the counselor
    • Online courses for ALC should be selected by the counselor
    • This list of courses should be provided to the ALC Coordinator and/or listed on the intake form
  • During the intake meeting, the list of courses provided by the counselor should be reviewed and verified by those attending the meeting, including the student.
  • Courses that cannot be provided online should be discussed and it should be determined if they can be done by home school textbook and assignment.
  • Once the list of courses that is going to used is determined, the final list should be provided to the administrator's designee at the home school.  That person should then enter a coorect schedule in Power School.  This could be one of the following
    • Maintain the same schedule as before ALC and send grades
    • Drop current classes and add alternative classes
    • Some combination of both
  • The final schedule must equal full time equivalency.  If the total periods will be lees that the total periods at the home school, full time equivalency must be adjusted.  Contact Allison Romano for procedures.
  • When the student retruns to the home school these procedures must be reversed. 


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